Sunday, May 31, 2009

People Now Days

In my own opinion . i think this guys are completley funny . check them out



Saturday, May 30, 2009

What was that Hilary ?



Its time to get Down .... Round 2

Ok viewers , after all the waiting and anticipation you have been through .lets go straight to the jump off...........

Who won ?

you tell me



Thursday, May 28, 2009

5 Star Commercial

commercials might not be fun at the middle of movies or in the middle of intense tv shows , but some times you find that to be wrong



The Young vs The Old

My grandmother is a very special person in my life. may she R.I.P , she use to be very funny and caring. she always came up with a way to bring smile to my face. lol

anyways, old people might be cute and adorable but at times "men" they can be old and MEAN ......



Daily Junk

In the " daily junk content " of my blog , i will show you funny things that will bring smile to your face and make you think twice before you act.

so for today , we can say

" what a dumass !!! "

Jam of the Day

Hello viewers, its your blooger DTS. one of the things i enjoy and admire is music. so i came up with an idea to blog a song everyday . its will be a personal pick that i think you my readers will enjoy. it will be all type of music... so i hope you enjoy my taste for music. write your comments and let me know.



Wednesday, May 27, 2009

WHO ? .... Mcain dogg

In any chance , if you listean to Hip-Hop/ rap music , you should be familiar with snoop doog. he is one of the biggest artist of the modern age. back in the days ,one of the biggest hits of this artist was called " murder was the case". with that mentioned , can this new mc top snoop doog ? .... you tell me

Enjoy yo


Karachi News...

The news can get boring and intresting at times. many times it can make you fall asleep while your watching it. we the viewers have our own opinions,doubts, likes and dislikes. but let me ask you this , have you ever thought of how much a reporter have to reherse inorder to make the news boring at it is...

and yeah idk what in the hake Karachi means.



Tick or Treat ...

one of the collest holiday we have in america is haloween . at least its a holiday for me in some ways. the costumes , the candy , the whole porcess is cool and oh yeah the fun part ..... is scaring people.



Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Am i really watching this People

we all love actions movie once in a while, its get our adrenaline going and it extends our imagination way beyond its limits. i can say the best part of actions movies are the fighting scenes .... such as this one

and sometimes you come across something like this and you say fuck it...

so let me ask you this , is it me or does Bollywood suck ?

God Bless America



Monday, May 25, 2009

Its time to get Down ! ... Round 1

lets get to it , introducing the former vs the recent

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Watch out the window , there out in the street

this is a state of emergency from the genius former prsident ... for the sake of your life and others please pay attention to this announcement !!!

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The way this makes me fell... he he !

i just thought i would make my blog more diversed with music and humor, so i came up with an idea to add a good music once in a while and throw a lil bit humor on the side. hey... lets give it a shot , there are so many viewers of this blog so i want you guys to comment and let me know if you like this idea or not...

Michael Jackson - The way you make me feel

Michel Jackson was a great artist during back in his days and by far, he still is among the best.

now watch this... WTF is this

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Sunday, May 24, 2009

Professional Enough

This DEA agent went into a class room full of kids to lecture about gun safety. during the lectur he quoted "I'm the one only thats profesonal enough to use this gun"" and .....

class what did we learn from that ? ... lol ... Morons do exist

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This is America

In this country there are many funny things you come up across in the daily rounds of life. for instance , the diversity of race can be the source of humor in many case and its very funny.... it make you laugh

im not trying to support any racism in any case. its just a funny video.

support our website by visitng few of the listed websites on the right/bottom side of the first video.



Saturday, May 23, 2009

Beer and Donuts

i shot the sherriff , plus my shift is over. its time for cold beer and donuts, baby!!!

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i appreciate the support



Is the Road safe .... Officer ?

i know traffic lights have there own use for the safety of drivers in this country , but how about traffic officers ? be the judge of that


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Waiter, More Beer please.........

we americans love beer and to be honest there is nothing worse and dangerous than drinking and driving........... or maybe not.


P.S show your apprciation to my website by visiting the listed websites above.


Friday, May 22, 2009

Is Fat Boy for real... Hell no

hey everyone, this video is hilgly hilarious. be an opean minded and enjoy it. its just a funny video, thats all.

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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Run arab boy! Run !

i must say this video is one of the best on the web

something to laugh at

as we all know some acts that people around the world do are just pretty damn funny. i got one for an example , watch and see.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Wanne bet ,a laughing Bet!

i Bet you,you would laugh at this. i dare you to click and watch.

Haha i won.

Grammer Wat ?

Take a little flash back to your childhood and early school life with your bad english grammer.


Some Presidents

hey everyone , this is my first video that im posting for anybody who still thinks the last president was just a classic one.